2P START! on Twitter


TimTwitter seems to make more and more sense these days, so Ray and I have committed to using it more intentionally. Ray has already been posting updates for comics and podcasts on Twitter as well as podcast recording times for potential callers who want to ask questions. I’ll try using it for some micro-blogging as it’s quicker than adding blog posts to the site, especially for more insignificant news. If you’d like to follow us, click here for Ray2P and here for Tim2P. You’ll also notice that the new badges on the sidebar include our latest Tweets and link to our profile pages.

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  1. roadjcat says:

    Already following both of you and opted to receive texts when either of you update.

  2. Gino says:


  3. Ray says:

    ha. That bird image is ridiculous, Tim.

  4. Tacos says:

    Hooray for Twitter!! I figure I’ll use it more when I live in the States and have a phone that works with internet. Oh, and I’m /gustocommando in case you wondered who that was.

  5. D3vin says:

    I’m on there too, even though the only person following me a.t.m is Tim…

    ha. That bird image is ridiculous, Tim.

    That bird is giving me the creeps

  6. MetaRidleyR27 says:

    Grrrr, you guys are making it really hard for me to not get a Twitter account. Nice job guys. 😉

  7. roadjcat says:

    Grrrr, you guys are making it really hard for me to not get a Twitter account. Nice job guys.

    Why not just get one? I basically got mine to follow Ray (and Jim Gaffigan) and I’ll post the occasional tweet just because I feel like I should be using it…and it’s actually really nice to be texted updates on the comic and podcast.

  8. cramill says:

    Twitter is an interesting thing… I’m now following you both. (I’m /craigmillett by the way.)

  9. BadnikHunter says:

    Not really into the whole “Twitter” thing, dont really find point to share everything your doing. But its a good broadcasting system for events and the like, so thats probably the only reason I’m using it.

  10. Kvb says:

    Haha! Swallowed your pride and joined the crowd, did ya, guys?

  11. PlayerWM86 says:

    I’m following both of you right now…when I was watching Good Morning America one June morning and I heard someone (I think it was Sam Champion or Chris Cuomo) talk about the show’s official Twitter page, I said, “That’s it! I’m joining!”, and the rest is history. Twitter is interesting… 😉

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