Podcast Late Tonight, Tim’s Take Coming Soon

TimJust a heads up that the podcast didn’t get recorded this weekend due to Easter. We’ll be recording something tonight, less edited than usual. You should probably just plan on listening to it tomorrow as we won’t be done recording until about 9PM PST. To tide you over, I’ll be posting a Tim’s Take in the next few hours!

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  1. ZeldaGamer00 says:

    Lets hope it all goes smooth.

  2. Kvb says:

    “less edited than usual.”
    Is it bad that this excites me?

  3. JohnW says:

    While any other webcomic would record nothing and leave their fans craving, 2P Start attempts to bring entertainment in difficult times while including extra.

    I applaud Tim and Ray for their dedication. Thanks.

  4. MrDeku says:

    Looks like the voicemail caller off a few weeks ago may get his wish as it seems like this weeks podcast will be getting pretty close to being a Tim’s Take Live.

  5. mrpineapplehead says:

    oh well at least i don’t have to wait tilll 10:53 for a new podcast (diffrent time zone)

  6. blaster says:

    It doesn’t matter that much to me XD
    I ALWAYS get podcasts on Tuesdays.

  7. TheKickAwesome says:

    Well, I suppose I’ll just have to WAIT here for it.
    *takes a seat*

  8. Kvb says:

    Aw, nuts. The podcast seems to be overdue. I was hoping to fetch this episode before going to work.

    Ah well. At least I’ll have something to look forward to for when I get back.

    • Tim says:

      Sorry Kvb, my audio was corrupted by quicktime just after recording an hour-long podcast. Very frustrating…

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