2P START! Live!: Appropriate Halloween


RayA heated debate on what makes something ‘confirmed’, problems with tech support, Tim and Ray blame each other for an old comic, and inappropriate Halloween costumes. PLUS! Super Meat Boy, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Bit.Trip Fate, Playstation Phone, and more!


Links referenced in the show:
Sonic Fan Remix demo
Playstation Phone details
Super Meat Boy 1990’s trailer
Kirby’s Epic Yarn gameplay trailer
Bit.Trip Fate trailer


  1. blaster says:

    woot! first comment!

  2. Doopliss says:

    Let’s hope it isn’t just a coincidence these last two are close together! Keep ’em coming thick and fast!

  3. Kree says:

    Could you guys please drop the “postmortem” title and just call it your podcast? It’s okay, really! It’s fine to keep making podcasts without a comic! πŸ˜‰

  4. cramill says:

    Just a note for app development for Ray: The $100 a year to be an app developer isn’t necessary to access the development tools and test the app on a simulator. You do need a Mac computer to use the development tools though…

  5. TheLupineOne says:

    Minecraft! Super Meat Boy! Kirby’s Epic Yarn! And the B&W in Halloween Cosplay! Is this your best postmortem yet?

  6. Doopliss says:

    My train of thought: TIM! YOUR WIFE IS COOKING BABIES?! Oh, wait I see what you meant…

  7. steve-ohs says:

    Great podcast guys! All of it was enjoyable. I espcially liked the small arguments between you two. I feel like I can just listen to you two fight for a whole podcast. Also your baby shaker app Ray: Thats a horrible idea, and you are a horrible person. Good thing we have nice moral Tim to keep this podcast respectable.

    • racefreak265 says:

      I thought I remember in the news awhile back when there was some sort of baby killing/ shaking app on the App Store.

  8. kelster165 says:

    Loved it! I have to say, I’m on Ray’s side with the Rumor argument. Even if it’s probably or almost certainly true, until it’s 100% definitely confirmed in every way, it’s still a rumor. Kirby’s Epic Yarn looks great, I’ll have to get it. Also, the Baby Shaker app; it’s so horrible, yet funny. I would say Ray is a horrible person, but I’ve thought of many things along those lines… Great show guys and hope to hear from you again soon!

  9. Pete says:

    Oh my goodness I think that was the funniest of the postmortem podcasts so far, I especially love hearing you guys argue with each other. I don’t know why but I was cracking up when you were debating the “haul in one night” thing, because I’d never noticed that before.

    Oh, and I have to agree with Kree, you guys should drop the “Postmortem” name, it’s a little depressing.

    Can’t wait for the next one!

  10. Laelaps says:

    LOVED the podcast guys! Especially Ray’s ridiculous energy at the beginning. And, Only 15 days till Sonic Colors!

  11. TheSpaz179 says:

    HA! I laughed so hard in this podcast. You guys have such hilarious lives, don’t take that the wrong way.

  12. Mr. Saxaphone says:

    Sweet! new podcast! not to complain, but we went a WHOLE MONTH with no cast, i am actually real happy. Another thing, could have waited 3 days untell Kinect comes out, cause pre odered it today and would like to know to know your thoughts. Love the cast, and keep em’ coming!!!!! lol πŸ™‚

  13. Apkinesis says:

    Hilarious Podcast guys! Kept me laughing throughout; easily your best Postmortem and one of your best ever, without exaggeration.

  14. blaster says:

    A nice one, folks.

    Ray, why don’t you go and have a debate with those in the Spindash? I’d love to hear you guys talking about Sonic 4.

    I loled at Tim’s adventure in Customer Support. It’s just awesome.

    I didn’t really get the iPhone app one.

    So you’re accepting topics via TWEETER. I haven’t check mine for months.

  15. Awesome podcast! I laughed a lot, especially at the arguments and at the ending. You guys totally should do a retrospective on your old strips and try to figure out what you were thinking. That’d be especially entertaining for the really old strips, the ones made before the podcast started. ^^

  16. Imaster says:

    Hey! Another podcast!

    I have to say, it’s almost sad how enjoyable I find it to listen to you two. You never seem to run out of interesting stuff to talk about, or comedic material… and the returning jokes just get funnier and funnier with every episode. Please keep making these, die-hard fans like me really enjoy them XP

    Personally I would it would be an interesting challenge for you two to make a podcast where you didn’t talk about video games at all. Provided you had enough to talk about, I think it would be really good! It would really open up the audience to people unlike me who wouldn’t be interested in hearing about them, at least so much… although I guess that’s not really your goal right now >.<

  17. Copper says:

    Topic Suggestion:

    Disney Epic Mickey? I’ve been hearing that it’s like a Zelda/Mario game, and it sounds pretty good.

  18. This Podcast was REALLY hilarious! I loved this one, and was by far, the most hilarious Postmortem YET!!! Can’t wait for the next!

  19. SuperVegeta says:

    Wow. It’s like you guys were referencing me throughout the whole podcast. I am one of those guys who only played Sonic 1 and 2 and now have played Sonic 4. I was wondering if Tim was talking about the iPhone version of the game as well. I tried the Demo on the PS3 and I didn’t really see any of the issues you guys were mentioning. If you haven’t tried the Console Demo, I’d recommend at least giving it a try.

    Secondly, I too went as Tony Stark this year. I wired together 9 blue LEDs to a round circuit board and connected them to a battery pack. I got a lot of compliments. You guys should put up picks of your costumes.

    NPG btw!

  20. Teengamer says:

    My best friend actually dressed in that Pikachu outfit. ^^ Except it was a lot more modest.

    I totally agree with the way girls dress on Halloween. Life would be so much easier if they just dressed up in a bannana suit and called it good. As Matthew Torranto said a year ago, “…it’s supposed to be scary, not sexy. Cover yourself up and freak out some kids (or for some of you out there, not covering up would have the same result).” But trust me, it was MUCH worse in Hollywood while I was visiting there on Halloween. I won’t even bother describing it for you.

    Could we possibly get a link to those supposedly “official” images of the PSP phone? Not that I care much for it anyway. I guess I’m too lazy to look it up myself.

    Great show guys, I love hearing from you every now and then. Until then, Teengamer out!

  21. Superfiver says:

    I liked this podcast very much. I actually like to hear of both your personal and video game lives. I was actually not suspecting to see another podcast so soon, and I am glad that I happen to visit tonight.

  22. Kvb says:

    Probably my favorite postmortem episode. You guys have still got it!
    The next one can’t come soon enough.

    If you’re going to make that iPhone app, I would recommend having the comics and podcast on there, without the need of Wi-Fi. After all, if you already have Wi-Fi, it’s easy enough to get to the comics and podcasts without the app.

    • Kvb says:

      Though, come to think of it. If all the podcast episodes are in the app itself, you’d have to manually update it every time a new Postmortem is made.

  23. mrpineapplehead says:

    great podcast guys!

  24. DesyMise says:

    Great Podcast again…. It feels so awesome hearing your voices again. Seriously, Tim and Ray… You guys are both very damn awesome!

  25. Twilight Lucario says:


    It’s good to hear another Podcast and like everyone else am hoping you two continue to feed us these little podcasts~

    The one Ray hates

  26. – Sonic 4 – is, yeah, pretty bad. I probably would have played more of it but to be honest it wasn’t hard to get distracted by ANYthing else. Ah well. Now to decide… actually get the other episodes? Wait for a Deal of the Week? Or just forget it ever existed in the first place?

    – Super Meat Boy – is AWEsome. And I hate insanely hard games, but Ray is right, it’s not usually the game so much as your misplacement of a jump or something that you do that does you in. Even still, I can only take a few levels at a time before I need to play something with less dying (like Rock Band!). Definitely looking forward to unlocking characters from other games; that’s probably the major selling point to me right there. But fun as it is, definitely not a game for kids as far as content goes.

    – 2P App! – Sounds good to me; I’d even be willing to buy one I would think.

    – Random – My recent iPod Touch purchase was unfortunately filled with multiple trips to the Apple store; where, I might add, they have great customer service. My Amazon ordered iPod arrived with some type of battery defect that left me thinking I was going insane for about two weeks, or that the rest of the world was insane for so easily adopting a great piece of tech that doesn’t stay charged for more than two hours after being plugged in for a whole day at a time. Long story short, they did a complete replacement and hopefully buried the first one in the ET landfill. That thing was buggier than Fallout: New Vegas *knock on wood* (i just started New Vegas).

  27. Andrew says:

    2PStart App Bonus feature – Eat a square, stickless, ice cream bar one bite at a time.

    The Tim2P costume is the easiest costume ever, just a hat a can of Dr. Pepper

  28. Sebby19 says:

    Myamoto did say he is making a new original character.

  29. CKcheeseboy says:

    I think Tim was probably going for a pun/play on words with the “inhale” part instead of the “haul” part. Obviously when you say “don’t inhale it” you just mean “don’t eat it really fast”, but the “joke” is that Kirby is ACTUALLY inhaling it.

    At least I hope it’s that and not the “HAUL in one night”…

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